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Bonita Vista High School Class of 1990

If you have not already signed up and completed your profile....why wait?  All of your profile information will be included in our Reunion Memory Book, so even if you cannot attend, your information will be included.

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View profile »Lourdes (Gonzalez) & Tim Williams
La Mesa, CA
WOW 20 years...enough said!!!! See you all at the reunion. 20 years of memories and stories to tell.
Tim and I have two boys: Ryan 15 and Shaun 4. We truly have been around as long as this reunion. We have been together for 20 years and been married for… more »
Attending: Reunion Dinner 10/16/2010; All Class Family Picnic at Rohr Park 10/17/2010
Bonita, CA
Attending: Reunion Dinner 10/16/2010; All Class Family Picnic at Rohr Park 10/17/2010
Los Angeles, CA
Attending: Reunion Dinner 10/16/2010; All Class Family Picnic at Rohr Park 10/17/2010
Lexington, MO
Lakeland, FL
Attending: Reunion Dinner 10/16/2010
Camarillo, CA
Attending: Reunion Dinner 10/16/2010; All Class Family Picnic at Rohr Park 10/17/2010
View profile »Beth Rice (Zwolinski)
Chula Vista, CA
You CAN'T be serious! How in the world did we get to 20 years? I agree it seems like only yesterday that we were just graduating high school. I hope the years have been good for everyone. I SOooo look forward to seeing so many of you.
Attending: Reunion Dinner 10/16/2010; All Class Family Picnic at Rohr Park 10/17/2010