Brady, Ella and Yana (Perry) Aldridge at the Coronado Christmas Parade
Melissa Kussman (Adler) and her kids on Halloween a BVHS cheerleader? :)
Melissa Kussman (Adler) with family in 2008 heading to Catalina
Melissa Kussman (Adler) completing her first 1/2 marathon June 2010
Me and my horse in Louisville, KY
Eva Dano
Sarah, Frank, Cassandra, Me, & Max Cabo 2008
Lena Gomez-Paredes
Cassandra, Sarah, & Max Paredes Carlsbad 2010
Lena Gomez-Paredes
At the Ghost town of Bodie CA 2009
Lena Gomez-Paredes
Me & John
a recent wedding in Italy
Pete Frazier
our newest addition
Pete Frazier
Pete Frazier
Tahoe 2010
Pete Frazier
My three year old Will
Mike Medrano
My two girls Camille and Brianna
Mike Medrano
My wife Diane and I trying to stay out of trouble. Mike Medrano
William when he was a skinny baby
Mike Medrano
Mike and Diane Medrano
Debra (Edge) Everhart & Gavin at Disneyland Feb'10
Gus Castaneda, Matt Gibbs, Pablo Ornelas and Brian Clark before dance
Brian Clark and Rob Roche-po
Brian Knudsen and Mike Berner goofing off-po
Scott Ruskin in IB (offically class of 92)
Scott Ruskin 2010
Baron AND Roadrunner graduates
Raimee Durfee (Swift) not looking happy to sign my annual. - po
One of these things is not like the other....po
Pablo Ornelas and Gus Castaneda saying goodbye to High School
Graduation day with Stephanie Tanaka, friends since 2nd grade.
Walter Llanes taking a little off the top, IB Pier-po
(Click on an image to view at full size.)